The study, titled Is There an Own-Race Preference in Attractiveness?, was conducted by Darren Burke, Caroline Nolan, William Gordon Hayward, Robert Russell, and Danielle Sulikowski. It was published in Evolutionary Psychology, Volume 11, Issue 4, in 2013, spanning pages 855-872. The article investigates whether individuals tend to rate people from their own racial group as more attractive than those from other racial groups.
Key Findings
The study concludes that females rate White individuals as more attractive overall. Males also rate White individuals as more attractive overall, though there are a few individual tests where Asian individuals were rated similarly, but these were not consistent across compound results. Additionally, White mixed-race people are generally seen as more attractive than their counterparts. White males are perceived as more masculine, while White females are viewed as more feminine.
The study finds that White people are generally viewed as more attractive over all by all races, as well as males and females being viewed to be more masculine and feminine than any other race respectfully.
Full Citation
Burke, D., Nolan, C., Hayward, W. G., Russell, R., & Sulikowski, D. (2013). Is There an Own-Race Preference in Attractiveness? Evolutionary Psychology, 11(4), 855-872.
How Racial Groups Rate Each Other
The study, titled How Racial Groups Rate Each Other, was conducted by L.J. Zigerell. It was published in 2021. The article investigates how different racial groups (White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian) rate one another based on various criteria, including attractiveness and overall perception.
Key Findings
The study reveals that White respondents tend to rate all racial groups, including their own, relatively equally, indicating a more neutral stance on racial perceptions. However, Black, Hispanic, and Asian respondents rate their own racial groups more favorably, with a tendency to rate White individuals lower. This reflects how White people have been tricked into seeing their own race as unfavorable, leading to self-hatred.
This study shows that White people tend to be un-biased in general and more welcoming and inclusive when it comes to rating racial groups including their own, on the other hand All other racially groups tend to be more racially motived and biased towards their own race respectfully.
The study, titled Ethnicity and Race Specific Total Testosterone Norms - Time for Change?, analyzed data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) to investigate how total testosterone (TT) levels vary among different racial and ethnic groups. It was published in The Journal of Urology by the American Urological Association.
Key Findings
Non-Hispanic Black men start with the highest testosterone levels in younger age groups but experience a steeper and degenerative decline over time.
Non-Hispanic White men initially have lower levels but maintain a more stable decline with age.
Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Asian men generally have lower testosterone levels, with Asian men consistently having the lowest levels.
While Black males start with hier testoertone levels, in their mid ages, it drastically degrdes, while While males testoerone not only maintina a stable level, but are higher than the Black male's testoertone levels 10 years younger than them.
Hispanic and Asian are generally lower in general but Hispanic show a drastic, Radically changing levels over time.
Full Citation
Shyr, William, et al. “MP06-19 ETHNICITY AND RACE SPECIFIC TOTAL TESTOSTERONE NORMS - TIME FOR CHANGE?” 2023. Journal of Urology, vol. 209, no. Supplement 4, WoltersKluwer, Apr. 2023, p. e60, doi:10.1097/JU.0000000000003217.19.
Large-scale GWAS on Same-Sex Sexual Behavior
The study, titled Large-scale GWAS reveals insights into the genetic architecture of same-sex sexual behavior, was conducted by Andrea Ganna, Karin J.H. Verweij, Michel G. Nivard, Robert Maier, Robbee Wedow, Alexander S. Busch, Abdel Abdellaoui, Shengru Guo, J. Fah Sathirapongsasuti, et al. It was published in Science, Volume 365, Issue 6456, on August 30, 2019, spanning pages 882–888. The article investigates the genetic factors influencing same-sex sexual behavior through a comprehensive genome-wide association study (GWAS).
Key Findings
The extensive study, which analyzed genetic data from 477,522 individuals in the UK Biobank and 23andMe cohorts, found only five genetic loci linked to same‐sex sexual behavior. Crucially, these loci account for an almost negligible percentage of the overall variance in such behavior—strong evidence that genetics play only a minor role. This result reinforces the conservative view that same‐sex behavior is not an inborn, immutable characteristic but is overwhelmingly shaped by environmental factors, personal choices, and cultural influences.
The data clearly show that while genetics may contribute slightly to same-sex sexual behavior, the effect sizes of the identified variants are very small. This finding supports the view that sexual orientation is not predominantly determined by biology. Instead, it appears to result from a complex interplay between limited genetic predispositions and substantial non-genetic factors such as personal choices, social conditioning, and environmental influences such as tramma usually. These results emphasize the importance of considering a broader array of influences when studying sexual behavior.
Full Citation
Ganna, A., Verweij, K.J.H., Nivard, M.G., Maier, R., Wedow, R., Busch, A.S., Abdellaoui, A., Guo, S., Sathirapongsasuti, J.F., et al. (2019). Large-scale GWAS reveals insights into the genetic architecture of same-sex sexual behavior. Science, 365(6456), 882–888.
Fraternal Birth Order and Male Homosexuality
The study, titled Male homosexuality and maternal immune responsivity to the Y-linked protein NLGN4Y, was conducted by Anthony F. Bogaert, Malvina N. Skorska, Chao Wang, José Gabrie, and Adam J. MacNeil. It was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 115, Issue 22, in 2018, spanning pages 5235–5240. The article investigates the maternal immune response hypothesis, which suggests that the likelihood of a male being homosexual increases with the number of older biological brothers he has from the same mother. This is thought to be due to maternal immune responses affecting the sexual differentiation of the brain in later-born sons.
Key Findings
The study provides biochemical evidence supporting the maternal immune hypothesis by demonstrating that mothers with a gay son, especially those with older brothers, have higher levels of antibodies against the Y-linked protein NLGN4Y. These antibodies are believed to interfere with the masculinization of the brain in subsequent male fetuses, potentially influencing sexual orientation.
These findings indicate that there may be a tentative association between maternal immune responses to male-specific antigens and the sexual orientation of male offspring. However, it is important to stress that this association, if it exists, is likely to be only a minor component of a much larger, complex picture. Sexual orientation is influenced by a diverse array of factors—including genetic, hormonal, environmental, and psychosocial elements[1]—and the current evidence is preliminary at best. Given the biological underpinnings suggested by this and other research, it could be argued that deviations from a traditional heterosexual orientation might stem from factors that are more intrinsic and possibly related to abnormal development, rather than solely from personal choice or social influences. Therefore, these results should be interpreted with extreme caution and should not be seen as conclusive proof of any causal relationship. Further comprehensive research is essential to verify and clarify the role, if any, of prenatal immune factors in shaping sexual orientation and to explore whether such factors could be indicative of underlying developmental or psychological conditions.
Full Citation
Bogaert, Anthony F et al. “Male homosexuality and maternal immune responsivity to the Y-linked protein NLGN4Y.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America vol. 115,2 (2018): 302-306. doi:10.1073/pnas.1705895114